Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sod, Landscaping, Guttering and Lighting

North Side of the House

Yes one of the windows does not have shutters, but will shortly
East side of the house and our main entry

Okay you are really going to have to look closely to see the guttering, but trust me its there all the way around the house. Its the first time EVER I've had my house completely wrappeding wonderful guttering and it matches the trim on the house cool uh!

Our builder bless his heart didn't tell us he took out the sod when he priced the contract price to us so we thought we had at least a little bit of a budget for sod, like I said or so we thought. We put down 10,000 square feet of sod and it still didn't completed cover all the bare soil.

The good part is we did have a landscaping budget which you can see its not bad we like it. We opted to buy the big trees, Katie and I can alway put in scrubery (bushes) next year. Oh I forgot we also have a sprinkler system I love it or at least I do for now. Take a look see the house is almost move in ready!


Here are a couple of pictures of the kitchen with the countertops installed, backsplash grouted in and the lighting completed, I must say Katie did an excellent job picking out colors, textures, stain, paint, etc.


My office
Gallary Sconces

Entry Way Light

Living/Family Room Ceiling Fan

Master Bedroom Ceiling Fan

Well its been a while since my last post and alot has happened. One of those things is all the lights have been installed and look great. Well most of the lights look great, our utility room otherwise known as the laundry room does have a great looking fixture however its very dark so I call it the cave. If you happen to the in the neighborhood stop by and see for yourself. Here are some pictures of other lighting.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Master Bath/Main Bath/Laundry Room CounterTops

The granite theme continues through the house, we love the color of this look. We were also surprised to find out granite is just as cheap or cheaper than alot of other materials. But the main thing is it all fit in our budget, now that's important!

Counter Tops Kitchen/Bar

Katie made an excellent choice when she picked out this coutertop, take a look and see what you think!!!!! Ithink they look great but I'm sure that is what you expected.


Hi everyone its been a while since I posted anything. Alot has happend since my last post. Katie and I are getting excited about our new house and look forward to bring our daughters families home for Christmas, but before that happens a few more things have to be installed. One last big project outside is the driveway. Well they poured that about a week ago here are a few pic's.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sidewalk, Garage Approach, and Driveway

Well it finally beginning to really look like a home, we are excited about the driveway and what it brings to the house. I couldn't be happier with the way its turning out, Katie is the genius behind this one and yes the curved sidewalk was her idea also. I see a game of basketball sometime in the future with my son-in-laws....

Monday, November 2, 2009

Front Entry Way and Dinning Room Window

My Mexician friends came back and finished the job. The front entry way stone and the dining room window eyebrow is complete now. I would of liked to been there to see the process, na not really I probably would of been disappointed and dismayed at what they did and how much it cost

Master Bathroom

Here are a couple of photo's of our master bathroom, Tiffany is much better at this than I. The way she tells the story it draws you in you want more, but then she leaves you right on the cusp. Okay back to the boring stuff, we wanted our vanties to look like furniture.

Kitchen Cabinets

Our kitchen cabinets are almost finished, the wood is maple which surprises me. They built most of the range hood cover today. The painters get to work tomorrow, probably staining the wood work and doors first then on the the kitchen cabinets the will be a little different, but you will have to wait on some pictures.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Master Bedroom and Bath

Looking into the master bathroom shower. Still waiting for a door to be added.

Looking into the master bedroom. It's really hard to get some of these pictures because my camera (thanks Aunt Benny) has some serious zoom on it. This is the best I could do but I believe there are a few more windows in there. Notice a trend? High ceilings, lots of windows...the place feels huuuge! Especially compared to the old house with it's 9 ft ceilings. Now Justin won't have to feel like a giant anymore ;-)

Looking into the master bathroom. Tiling had just begun and you can see just a teeny little bit of the bathtub on the left side of the picture right before the shower. The cool thing about the master bathroom is that leads to the laundry room! Genius!!! Let me just state that I realize this is not a new trend and I am jealous of everyone who has this luxury. I will think of you as I lug my laundry baskets down the hall and to the other end of the house, plus going down two flights of stairs. Ha!

Gallery, Kitchen, and Living Room

The fireplace is in and ready for a mantel. On either side of the fireplace are recessed areas that where built-ins are being installed.
This picture shows the view of the gallery from the living room. The gallery is basically an extended and grand entrance. The tray ceilings go up to 12 feet so this space feels very large. I should also mention that this is a dummy front door and real one was installed today.

Now you are looking from the living room into the kitchen. The large window on the right looks out into the front yard and is where mom and dad will be putting their kitchen table. The doorway on the left is the garage entrance (yes, they have windows in their garage since the garage is on the side of the house and not the front). The cups are sitting on what will be a breakfast bar.

This is a reverse view of what you just saw. This time you are looking out of the kitchen and into the living room. The living room has 4 big windows that go from ceiling to floor. The doorway on the right leads to the master bedroom hallway.
Mom, Dad, and Brendan standing between the kitchen and living room. The tile is in and Brendan had a fun time pulling out some of those little blue spacers between the tiles. I hope the tile men didn't mind!

Front/Side of House

Hi there! This is Tiffany speaking. My dad is kind enough to share his blog with me so I can add the pictures of Happy and Grams' new house I took on Saturday. That was my first trip to the land since any construction had begun and what a fun time it was! I'm thrilled beyond on words that my parents are building their dream house and seeing it in progress for the first time was so exciting. Now I can't wait to come back in December to actually stay in it. Here are some pics I took on my visit there.

Here is a view of the 3-car garage located on the side of the house. The garage doors will be painted to match the house.

The wood trim above the windows will be stained a dark mohagany.

This is the best view of the front of the house I could get. The stone columns are almost complete and the "real" front door has now been installed (pictures of that will come soon). BTW, That big pile of firewood is free for the taking.

Here is a close-up view of one of the stone columns that flank the front door. I love the contrast of the grey against the brick. So pretty!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sheet Rock, Bull Nose, Texturing, and Tile

The sheet rock is finished, all the wall and ceiling is textured and the corners that we wanted to have a bull nose finish are completed. The tile work began this week from now on most all of the work will be inside with the exception of the driveway, walk way and patio, but that will be later

Rock Going Up on Entry

My Mexician friends are working on the rock on the entrance. Also the dining room window will have a rock eyebrow and ledge

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brick is 99% Done

Well the brick laying crew go with it and over a period of three days have virtually completed the brick on the house with the exception of the area over the dining area window. The rock was delivered today for the two columns you see in front so that should be maybe tomorrow. The power from the pole out on the street to the house was trenched and laid in today, one more thing to check off the list. Next week should begin the taping and bedding work on the inside, the installion of the garage door was suppose to happen today according to the schedule but it won't take a day to install them. Enjoy the pictures things are moving along, but I will be so happy when I can get off this Merry Go Around!!!!!!!!!